To love without asking why or how. To love without setting any limit. Is this how we love? Or is our love defined by how much we gain or how much someone makes us happy? We should love a person not because of anything else but simply because we love him, nothing more… nothing less. Our love becomes conditional when we begin to put a price tag on someone. When that person falls below certain limits then he wouldn’t get as much attention and love that he would have been given he’d more qualified.
Love doesn’t measure, weigh or gauge a person. Love just loves it is the very basic yet so difficult formula in the success of any relationship. To love unconditionally is to love beyond the bounds of what limit us, race and creed, wealth and poverty, sickness and health and suffering and happiness. Love knows no bounds and only when we learn how to conquer the limits of what keeps us away from others can love take on a few meaning. One that doesn’t ask why or how. One that simply believes… one that simply loves...